Entrepreneur • October 2, 2019, 4:27 pm
The Instagram influencer leveraged 2.2 million Instagram followers and $1.2 million in seed funding from investors like fashion designer Rebecca Minkoff.

Entrepreneur • October 2, 2019, 4:30 pm
All the money in the world won't make a difference if you don't have these five things.

Feedburner • October 2, 2019, 7:42 pm
Craig Barritt/Getty Images for VICE Media Vice Media bought Refinery29 to create a bigger, more gender-inclusive company. The two publishing groups have reportedly been in talks since July, when…

Feedburner • October 2, 2019, 7:44 pm
A vegan woman was accidentally served the pork version of a sausage roll, and said the experience traumatized her and poisoned her for life. Nutritionally, adding meat to your diet isn't harmful…

Fast Company • October 2, 2019, 10:30 am
“Has NO SHAME,” the ad declares of the man once considered “America’s Mayor.” It doesn’t get kinder as it goes along either. What: A sophisticated and highly topical act of subway ad defacement.Read…