Feedburner • July 4, 2019, 12:19 am
George Frey/Reuters A Nevada Highway Patrol trooper initiated a traffic stop on suspicion that a motorist was driving alone in the carpool lane on Monday. The driver claimed the body of a deceased…

Fast Company • July 5, 2019, 12:00 am
It was easier to put a man on the moon than accept women as rocket scientists. A half-century after the Apollo missions, the first female Mission Control engineer is still fighting for women’s…

YouTube: Accenture • August 24, 2016, 12:44 am
7545 views 29 likes 0 dislikes Channel: Accenture Japan テクノロジーやデジタルによってビジネスが破壊的に進化を遂げる時代ー、 世界をリードする総合コンサルティング企業としてのアクセンチュアの強みとは?また、そのような時代に求められる人材とは? アクセンチュア株式会社 執行役員 テクノロジーコンサルティング本部統括本部長…