Go ahead and register that vulgar trademark—it’s legal again
Go ahead and register that vulgar trademark—it’s legal again Fast Company • June 24, 2019, 2:53 pm A fashion brand called Fuct argued that a century-old ban on “immoral or...
View ArticleGreat Sales Habits Start with the Psychological Principle You Probably Forgot
Are you familiar with the famed Psychologist Hermann Ebbinghaus? If you said no, you’re not alone. But you experience Ebbinghaus’ pivotal discovery every day without even realizing it. I’m talking,...
View ArticleComedy Central’s Clusterfest tackled mental health this year—here are 5...
Comedy Central’s Clusterfest tackled mental health this year—here are 5 wellness tips from the panel Fast Company • June 24, 2019, 4:00 pm Comedians know a lot about mental health,...
View ArticleWhy The Rise Of Social Commerce Is Inevitable
The line between social media and e-commerce is increasingly becoming blurred, commonly known as social commerce. The sheer amount of time spent by people, especially younger generations, on social...
View ArticleFuture Entrepreneurs Need to Focus on Markets, Trends And Problems, Not Ideas.
Ideas get pitched to investors everyday. The investors all ask the same question: what problem are you solving? Read the article and learn about what you should be researching to find a big problem.
View ArticleA quick shift to electric vehicles could drive the Green New Deal forward
A quick shift to electric vehicles could drive the Green New Deal forward Fast Company • June 25, 2019, 6:00 am The transition could keep the U.S. competitive with countries like China but...
View ArticleThe dramatic scene of Apollo 13’s return to Earth that you won’t see in the...
The dramatic scene of Apollo 13’s return to Earth that you won’t see in the Tom Hanks movie Fast Company • June 25, 2019, 7:00 am Apollo 13 may have been the “Uh, Houston,...
View ArticleHow To Integrate Healthy Living Into Your Lifestyle And Make It Feel Easy
Apparently, the U.K. health and fitness industry is “healthier” than it’s ever been before, with more gyms, members and market value. Studies have also shown that millennials, in particular, are...
View ArticleHow To Become An In Internet Influencer
So, you want to be an influencer? Immigration attorney and legal influencer Jacob Sapochnick has a few tips that helped him combine his passion of immigration law, travel and business.
View ArticleThese easy-to-build shelters are helping cities quickly provide cover to the...
These easy-to-build shelters are helping cities quickly provide cover to the homeless Fast Company • June 25, 2019, 7:00 am Pallet originally built disaster shelters. Officials in Tacoma,...
View ArticleHow To Foster Immediate Lasting Success For Female Entrepreneurs And Startups
While the number of female entrepreneurs is growing globally, there are notable challenges that continue to face women on their start-up journey. Newer female entrepreneurs, in particular, perceive a...
View ArticleBest Regards vs. Kind Regards: How to Use Them Each in an Email
You write a masterful email. The subject line is uber-clickable. Your greeting is friendly without being overly familiar. And then you get to your sign-off. "Thanks" is too generic, "Sincerely" is too...
View ArticlePeople are suing Betsy DeVos over student loans they say should have been...
People are suing Betsy DeVos over student loans they say should have been forgiven Fast Company • June 25, 2019, 3:37 pm The students say their loans should have been forgiven under an...
View ArticleInside Italy's $1 billion mountains that produce more tons of marble than...
Inside Italy's $1 billion mountains that produce more tons of marble than anywhere else on Earth Feedburner • June 25, 2019, 8:00 pm A slab of Carrara marble can cost up to $400 per square...
View Article7 celebrities who have given up being vegan
7 celebrities who have given up being vegan Feedburner • June 25, 2019, 8:02 pm Rich Fury/Getty Images Although many people are vegan, a plant-based diet doesn't work for everyone. Some...
View ArticleApple buys Drive.ai, showing its autonomous car project is still alive
Apple buys Drive.ai, showing its autonomous car project is still alive Fast Company • June 25, 2019, 8:34 pm Mountain View, California-based Drive.ai made kits that turned regular cars into...
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